TreeMig Code
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LocalForestDynamics.f90 File Reference

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subroutine localforestdynamics (nspc, year, dodispersal, thiscell)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ localforestdynamics()

subroutine localforestdynamics ( integer, intent(in) nspc,
integer, intent(in) year,
logical, intent(in) dodispersal,
type(currstateincell), intent(inout) thiscell )


Calculates the local forest dynamics

  1. if cell is not stockable, nothing is done
  2. current cell is initialized for this time step
    1. numbers of trees in height classes and ingrowth
    2. light and (total) leaf area structures
  3. disturbance mortality is calculated
  4. then for each height class from top to bottom
    1. the light distribution is calculated
    2. for each species
      1. the produced seeds are determined
      2. in each light class
        1. mortality and growth are determined
        2. within these subroutines the current numbers are updated
  5. the total seed production per species is calculated
  6. the self regulation of the species on the level of seeds ist determined
  7. immigration, if there is any, is evaluated
  8. the regeneration, i.e. germination and competition for space is determined
check whether htcl and ltcl are really needed in All_par
  • USE: All_par
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      nspc: number of species
      year: current year, felative
      doDispersal: dispersal ?
      thiscell: current cell
    • FROM All_par
      • maxspc: INTEGER : maximum number of species
      • maxhc: INTEGER : maximum number of height classes
      • maxlc: INTEGER : maximum number of light classes
      • ltfrq(maxlc): REAL : Light frequency in light classes
      • htcl: INTEGER : current height class
      • ltcl: INTEGER : current light class
      • spec(maxspc): TYPE(SpecProperties) : fixed species properties
      • stockability: REAL, dimension(:, :), allocatable: grid of stockable cells (0,1)
      • disturbances: LOGICAL: Flag whether disturbances are included
      • disturbProb: REAL: disturbance probability (1/year) per cell
      • disturbIntensity: REAL : disturbance intensity (0.0..1.0)
      • CurrStateInCell: TYPE describing the current state
  • OUT:
    • Parameters
      thiscell: current cell
  • CALLS:
  • CALLS support routines:

Definition at line 78 of file LocalForestDynamics.f90.