TreeMig Code
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Mort.f90 File Reference

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subroutine mort (isp, heightcl, lightcl, srvinhl, numb, disturbancemort, thiscell)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ mort()

subroutine mort ( integer, intent(in) isp,
integer, intent(in) heightcl,
integer, intent(in) lightcl,
real, intent(out) srvinhl,
real, intent(in) numb,
real, intent(in) disturbancemort,
type(currstateincell), intent(inout) thiscell )


Calculates the mortality of the trees of a species in a given height and light class

  1. compares growth mortality to environment mortality (in fact the vitalities)
  2. uses the more severe
  3. the light dependence is given by the location of a species specific threshold w.r.t. the current light class
    1. if the threshold is below the light class, no mortality, because more light than the threshold
    2. if the threshold is above the light class, full mortality (1), because less light than the threshold
    3. if the threshold falls within the light class, the mortality is interpolated
  4. this environment- and light dependent mortality is multiplied with a fixed value 0.184, which is half of the value applied in ForClim if the environmental conditions are bad for two consecutive years
  5. sums this environmental mortality, a constant mortality and a disturbance mortality,
  6. and reduces the trees in the current height class by the resulting fraction of the trees in the light and height class

USE: All_par

  • IN:
    • Parameters
      isp: species index
      heightcl: height class
      lightcl: light class
      numb: number of trees of this species/height class/light class before mortality
      disturbanceMort:mortality in this cell by disturbance
      thiscell: state in current cell
    • FROM All_par
      • spec(maxspc): TYPE(SpecProperties) : fixed species properties
      • specCl(maxspc): TYPE(SpecPropertiesInCl): species properties in light- and height classes
      • CurrStateInCell: TYPE describing the current state
  • OUT:
    • Parameters
      srvinhl: remaining individuals per spec/height class/light class

Definition at line 52 of file Mort.f90.