TreeMig Code
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Subprogram calccurrentdepfunctsincell (nspc, ddegs, wtemp, drstr, avnit, brwpr, germdrought)
is includeEnv needed? if not also omit in readcontrolpars and control pars file
Subprogram localforestdynamics (nspc, year, dodispersal, thiscell)
check whether htcl and ltcl are really needed in All_par
Subprogram openandwriteheaderlight (thefile)
are both subroutines needed?
Subprogram selfregulation (nspc, dodispersal, thiscell)
: understand why in thiscell there is sb and seedbank ß
  • USE: All_par
  • IN:
Subprogram updatenewseeds (nspc, iam, dodispersal, year, lats, late, lons, lone)
not clear and confusing why this double storing is required. Should be checked.