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TreeMig Code
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- Subprogram calccurrentdepfunctsincell (nspc, ddegs, wtemp, drstr, avnit, brwpr, germdrought)
- is includeEnv needed? if not also omit in readcontrolpars and control pars file
- Subprogram localforestdynamics (nspc, year, dodispersal, thiscell)
- check whether htcl and ltcl are really needed in All_par
- Subprogram openandwriteheaderlight (thefile)
- are both subroutines needed?
- Subprogram selfregulation (nspc, dodispersal, thiscell)
- : understand why in thiscell there is sb and seedbank ß
- Subprogram updatenewseeds (nspc, iam, dodispersal, year, lats, late, lons, lone)
- not clear and confusing why this double storing is required. Should be checked.