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OpenAndWriteHeader.f90 File Reference

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subroutine openandwriteheader (thefile, nspc)

subroutine openandwriteheaderlight (thefile)


Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ openandwriteheader()

subroutine openandwriteheader ( type(file), intent(in) thefile,
integer, intent(in) nspc )


Opens a .txt output file and writes the header, i.e. lat,lon, year, species 1-nspc, all_species

  • USE: FileHandlingModule, LoggerMdule, All_par
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      nspc: number of species
      theFile: the output file
    • from FileHandlingModule :
      • TYPE File
    • from All_par:
      • tabsepOutput: LOGICAL: tabulator (T) or comma separated output?
      • spec(maxspc): TYPE(SpecProperties) : Structured, describing species properties
  • CALLS:
  • CALLS support routßines:
  • CALLED from:

Definition at line 39 of file OpenAndWriteHeader.f90.

◆ openandwriteheaderlight()

subroutine openandwriteheaderlight ( type(file), intent(in) thefile)


Opens a .txt output file and writes the header for the output of the light profile, i.e. lat,lon, year, heightclass, lightclasses

are both subroutines needed?
  • USE: FileHandlingModule, LoggerMdule, All_par
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      theFile: the output file
    • from FileHandlingModule:
      • TYPE File
    • from All_par:
      • LOGICAL tabsepOutput : tabulator (T) or comma separated output?
  • CALLS support routines:
    • logError in LoggerMdule.f90
  • CALLED from:

Definition at line 87 of file OpenAndWriteHeader.f90.