TreeMig Code
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PrepareOutput.f90 File Reference

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subroutine prepareoutput (nspc)

subroutine closeoutputfiles


Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ closeoutputfiles()

subroutine closeoutputfiles


Closes the output files

  • USE: All_par, FileListModule, netcdf
  • IN:
    • from All_par:
      • writeOutput: TYPE(wrOutp) : structure of logicals for defining which variables are outputted, to be set true or false
    • from FileListModule:
      • TYPE(File) : all kinds of input and output files, see below
      • HeightStructOutFiles(16): TYPE(File) : output files for the height structures
      • NC_FILE_ID : INTEGER : netcdf file identifier from netcdf:
  • CALLS:
  • CALLS support routines:
  • CALLED from:

Definition at line 115 of file PrepareOutput.f90.

◆ prepareoutput()

subroutine prepareoutput ( integer, intent(in) nspc)


Opens the output files and writes the headers

  1. reads the control pars file (this is necessary here because information for the other files is in the control pars file)
  2. defines all the input and output files with concrete names and paths, for .txt and .netcdf files
  • USE: All_par, FileListModule
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      nspc: number of species
    • from All_par:
      • writeOutput : TYPE(wrOutp) : structure of logicals for defining which variables are outputted, to be set true or false
    • from FileListModule:
      • TYPE(File) : : all kinds of input and output files, see below
      • HeightStructOutFiles(16): TYPE(File) : output files for the height structures
  • CALLS:
  • CALLED from:

Definition at line 33 of file PrepareOutput.f90.