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CalcCurrentDepFunctsInCell.f90 File Reference

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subroutine calccurrentdepfunctsincell (nspc, ddegs, wtemp, drstr, avnit, brwpr, germdrought)

subroutine contlightdep (light, shade_sens_class, lidep)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ calccurrentdepfunctsincell()

subroutine calccurrentdepfunctsincell ( integer, intent(in) nspc,
real, intent(in) ddegs,
real, intent(in) wtemp,
real, intent(in) drstr,
real, intent(in) avnit,
real, intent(in) brwpr,
real, intent(in) germdrought )


Calculates the compound environmental effects on establishment, survival and growth

  1. general dependence of growth on day degree sum, winter temperature, and drought stress
  2. establishment dependence on day degree sum and winter temperature
  3. environment dependent vitality, height growth and diameter growth for species, height class and light class
  4. in height class 0 environment dependent vitality, height growth and diameter growth are either specific or same as in height class 1
    is includeEnv needed? if not also omit in readcontrolpars and control pars file

USE: All_par

  • IN:
    • Parameters
      nspcnumber of species
      ddegsdegree day sum
      wtempminimum winter temperature
      drstrdrought stress
      avnitavailable nutrients (nitrogen)
      brwprbrowsing pressure
      germDrought: drought stress for germination
    • FROM All_par
      • maxspc : INTEGER : max. number of species
      • maxhc: INTEGER : max. number of height classes
      • maxlc : INTEGER : max. number of light classes
      • birht : REAL : birth height, bottom height of height class 1
      • includeEnv : LOGICAL : environmental influences included. Normally TRUE
      • kn1(3) : : Parameter for N-growth dep. [=kN1] ; set in GetSpc
      • kn2(3) : : Parameter for N-growth dep. [=kN1] ; set in GetSpc
      • ltval(maxlc) :REAL : relative light intensities in the light classes (0.-1.)
      • estabEqHC0 : LOGICAL : light dependence of establishment used by gemination or life of seedlings?
      • spec(maxspc) : TYPE(SpecProperties): species properties
  • OUT:
    • via All_par
      • spec(maxspc) : TYPE(SpecProperties): species properties
      • specCl(maxspc): TYPE(SpecPropertiesInCl): species properties in light and height classes

Definition at line 62 of file CalcCurrentDepFunctsInCell.f90.

◆ contlightdep()

subroutine contlightdep ( real, intent(in) light,
integer, intent(in) shade_sens_class,
real, intent(out) lidep )


gets light dependence by interpolation between two light classes

  • USE: LoggerModule
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      light: current light value
      shade_sens_class: shade sensitivity class of species
  • OUT:
    • Parameters
      lidep: continuous light dependence value
    • via LoggerModule
      • variable : type : explanation
  • CALLS support routines:
    • LogMessage, LogWarning in LoggerModule

Definition at line 218 of file CalcCurrentDepFunctsInCell.f90.