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SpecImmigration.f90 File Reference

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subroutine specimmigration (nspc, year, dodispersal, thiscell)


Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ specimmigration()

subroutine specimmigration ( integer, intent(in) nspc,
integer, intent(in) year,
logical, intent(in) dodispersal,
type(currstateincell), intent(inout) thiscell )


Determines the immigration of saplings

  1. for each species and immigration event
    1. the immigration coordinates are converted into simulation coordinates
    2. if the current cell and year fall into a immigration period and cell,
      1. the number of saplings (0th height class) is increased by 1000
  • USE: All_par
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      nspc: number of species
      year: simulation year
      doDispersal: flag, explicit dispersal?
      thiscell: state of this cell before immigration
    • FROM All_par
      • pltsiz: REAL: patch size (in m^2)
      • CurrStateInCell: TYPE: describing current state in cell
      • potbirth: REAL, parameter : constant birth rate parameter
      • maxlat,maxlon :INTEGER : max. dimensions of simulation area
      • immigration: LOGICAL: flag, whether immigration is simulated
      • immiPeriod:INTEGER : period around immigration times, when species immigrate; read in in ReadImmigrationData
      • spec(maxspc): TYPE(SpecProperties) : species properties; here only information immidat is used
  • OUT:
    • Parameters
      thiscell: state of this cell after immigration
    • via All_par
      • spec(maxspc): TYPE(SpecProperties) : species properties; here only birth is changed

Definition at line 52 of file SpecImmigration.f90.