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LfCalc.f90 File Reference

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subroutine lfcalc (nspc, heightcl, laisum, laisqsum, numin0)
 Lfcalc: light distributions.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ lfcalc()

subroutine lfcalc ( integer, intent(in) nspc,
integer, intent(in) heightcl,
real, intent(inout) laisum,
real, intent(inout) laisqsum,
real, dimension(0:maxhc, 1:maxspc), intent(in) numin0 )

Lfcalc: light distributions.

Calculates the light distribution in a certain height class from the LAIs. LAIsum is the mean, sigma the standard deviation of the leaf area Normal distribution: facvar describes how narrow the Normal distributions is: 0: uniform spatial distribution, 1: random spat. distribution, >1 clumped spatial distribution.

  1. the total LAI above and the total squared LAI above are updated by the LAIs of all species of the current height class
  2. the standard deviation sigma is calculated
  3. for each light class from full light (lightcl=maxlc ) to complete darkness (lightcl=1), the (cumulative) normal distribution function with parameters LAIsum and sigma is evaluated at the leaf area (la(light)) required to produce the light value. The difference between two values of the distribution function is the frequency of these leaf areas, resp. light values.
  4. the light distribution is normalized

USE: All_par

  • IN:
    • Parameters
      heightcl: height class
      nspc: number of species
      numin0: number of trees of all species in all height classes
      LAIsum: LAI sum over all height classes above
      LAIsqsum: squared LAI sum over all height classes above
    • FROM All_par
      • maxspc, maxhc, maxlc : INTEGER : maximum number of species, height classes, and light classes
      • pltsiz : REAL : patchsize
      • facVar : REAL : describing the clumpedness of the spatial tree distribution. 1: random; 0: uniform; >1 clumped
      • specCl(maxspc) : TYPE(SpecPropertiesInCl): species properties in light and height classes
      • la(maxlc) : REAl : leaf areas that belong to the light classes
  • OUT:
    • Parameters
      LAIsum: LAI sum over all height classes above and in this height class
      LAIsqsum: squared LAI area sum over all height classes above and in this height class
    • via All_par
      • ltfrq(maxlc),ltcum(maxlc): REAL : (cumulative) light frequencies in height classes
  • CALLS:

Definition at line 60 of file LfCalc.f90.