TreeMig Code
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Grow.f90 File Reference

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subroutine grow (ispec, heightcl, lightcl, srvinhl, minhc, thiscell)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ grow()

subroutine grow ( integer, intent(in) ispec,
integer, intent(in) heightcl,
integer, intent(in) lightcl,
real, intent(in) srvinhl,
integer, intent(in) minhc,
type(currstateincell) thiscell )


Calculates the growth from one height class to the others

  1. gets the precalculated growth in the given height and light class
  2. calculates based on this precalculated growth rate the lower and upper height of the trees of this height class after they have grown
  3. determines which proportion of the trees enters which new height class
  4. updates the tree numbers in the height classes accordingly, by multiplying the proportions with the tree numbers in this height and light class

USE: All_par

  • IN:
    • Parameters
      ispec: species index
      heightclheight class
      lightcl: light class
      srvinhl: remaining individuals per spec/height/light class
      minhc: lowest height class (0 for dispersal, 1 for local simus)
      thiscell: state in current cell
    • FROM All_par
      • specCl(maxspc): TYPE(SpecPropertiesInCl): species properties in light- and height classes
      • hcwidth:REAL : height class width (above birht), in m
      • birht: REAL: bottom height of heigth class 1, in m
      • maxhc: INTEGER : maximum number of height classes
      • CurrStateInCell: TYPE: describing the current state in the cell
  • OUT:
    • Parameters
      thiscell: state in current cell

Definition at line 31 of file Grow.f90.