TreeMig Code
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PrepareBioclimInput.f90 File Reference

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subroutine preparebiocliminput ()

subroutine checkdrivernames ()

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ checkdrivernames()

subroutine checkdrivernames
  1. Checks whether the read in column names
    1. cover all required column names
    2. are all allowed
  2. Stores in the index file columnLocations, which read in column corresponds to which allowed driver name
  • USE FileListModule, FileListModule, LoggerModule, All_par
  • IN:
    • From FilelistModule:
      • Bioclimate_File: TYPE(File): bioclimate file
    • From LoggerModule:
      • LogMessage: character(len=1024) : message text to be logged
    • From All_par:
      • nDrivers: INTEGER : number of drivers (including x,y,year)
      • columnNamesOfDrivers: character(len=30) (1:50): read in column names of bioclim file
      • allowedDriverNames: character(len=30), dimension(nallowedDrivernames),parameter : names of allowed drivers; the first 6 are required; lon,lat,year,DD,WiT,DrStr,Distu,browsPress,germDrought,nutrients
  • OUT:
    • via All_par: columnLocations: INTEGER, dimension(nallowedDrivernames): index vector; which column corresponds to which driver name?
  • CALLS support routines:
    • LogError in LoggerModule

Definition at line 99 of file PrepareBioclimInput.f90.

◆ preparebiocliminput()

subroutine preparebiocliminput


  1. Opens the bioclimate file
  2. Extracts from the file header the drivers present in this bioclimate file and stores their names
  3. Checks whether these are allowed
  4. If so, reads the first year of bioclimate
  • USE: FileListModule, FileListModule, LoggerModule, All_par
  • IN:
    • From FilelistModule: -Bioclimate_File: TYPE(File): bioclimate file
    • From LoggerModule: -LogMessagecharacter(len=1024) : message text to be logged
  • OUT:
    • via All_par:
      • nDrivers: INTEGER : number of drivers (including x,y,year)
      • columnNamesOfDrivers: character(len=30) (1:50) : Names of different drivers, x, y, year, bioclim , optional drivers
  • CALLS:
  • CALLS support routines:
    • ExtractAndCountWords, openFileR in FileHandlingModules.f90
    • LogError, LogInfo in LoggerModule
    -TreeMig in TreeMig.f90

Definition at line 36 of file PrepareBioclimInput.f90.