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ReadNewBioClim.f90 File Reference

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subroutine readnewbioclim

real function assignreadordefaultdriver (idriver, drivertext, ndrivers, drivervariables)


Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ assignreadordefaultdriver()

real function assignreadordefaultdriver ( integer, intent(in) idriver,
character(len=35), intent(in) drivertext,
integer, intent(in) ndrivers,
real, dimension(ndrivers), intent(in) drivervariables )


Function to assign the read in value to the correct driver variables. If not read in, a default value is used.

  • USE: All_par
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      nDrivers: number of drivers (including x,y,year) in the bioclimate file; at least 6 (x,y,year,DD,WiT,DrStr)
      drivervariables(nDrivers): vector of values for all drivers
      idriver: index of current driver
      drivertext: name of driver
    • from ALL_par:
      • columnLocations: INTEGER, dimension(nallowedDrivernames): index vector; which column corresponds to which driver name?
      • driverDefault: REAL, dimension(nallowedDrivernames) : default values for the drivers, if no explicit values are read in. The defaults are read in in ReadControlPars

Definition at line 136 of file ReadNewBioClim.f90.

◆ readnewbioclim()

subroutine readnewbioclim


Reads in bioclimate data for one year All not read in cells are set to a Null value, and masked out in the simulation

  • USE: All_par
  • IN:
    • from ALL_par:
      • newBioClim: TYPE(BIOCLIMDATA): bioclimate data of last year; newBioClim is updated in ReadNewBioclim
      • envFromFile: LOGICAL : read environmental info from file? Usually yes!>
      • simustartyear: INTEGER : start year of simulation in real years
      • maxlat, maxlon: INTEGER : number of rows/cols of simulation domain,
      • latRealStart, lonRealStart, latRealEnd, lonRealEnd: REAL :: !>> start and end of total simulated area in real coordinates
      • cellSideLength: REAL : Side-lenght of grid cell in m
      • unitOfSpatialData: REAL : unit of bioclim and stockability data in meters
      • nDrivers: INTEGER : number of drivers (including x,y,year) in the bioclimate file; at least 6 (x,y,year,DD,WiT,DrStr)
      • columnLocations: INTEGER, dimension(nallowedDrivernames):: !>> index vector; which column corresponds to which driver name?
  • CALLS:

Definition at line 24 of file ReadNewBioClim.f90.