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writelinemod Module Reference


subroutine rwinteger (outint)

subroutine rwreal (outreal)

subroutine rwchar (outchar)

subroutine rwlogical (outlogical)
subroutine checkwriteerror (err)

subroutine checkreaderror (err)

subroutine readseveralvaluessametypefromline (nvals, rest, err, vec_integer, vec_real, vec_char, vec_logical)

subroutine readwriteseveralvaluessametypefromline (nvals, err, vec_integer, vec_real, vec_char, vec_logical)

subroutine assignreportintervals (nvals, repints)


Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ assignreportintervals()

subroutine writelinemod::assignreportintervals ( integer, intent(in) nvals,
integer, dimension(30), intent(in) repints )


Assigns the read in report intervals to the array reportintervals

  • USE: LoggerModule, All_par
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      nvals: number of values
      repInts: report intervals
    • from All_par
      • simustartyear: INTEGER : start year of simulation in real time
      • numyrs: INTEGER : number of years to be simulated
  • OUT:
    • via All_par
      • reportIntervals : INTEGER, dimension (10, 3) : report intervals (col 1) for output, their start (col2) and end (col3) (years)
      • nReportIntervals : INTEGER : number of report intervals
  • CALLS support routines:
  • CALLED from:

Definition at line 343 of file ReadControlPars.f90.

◆ checkreaderror()

subroutine writelinemod::checkreaderror ( integer, intent(in) err)


writes and logs a message and stops if a read error occurred

  • IN:
    • Parameters
      errv: error code
  • CALLS support routines:
    • LogError in LoggerModule
  • CALLED from:

Definition at line 201 of file ReadControlPars.f90.

◆ checkwriteerror()

subroutine writelinemod::checkwriteerror ( integer, intent(in) err)


writes and logs a message and stops if a write error occurred

  • IN:
    • Parameters
      errv: error code
  • CALLS support routines:
    • LogError in LoggerModule
  • CALLED from:

Definition at line 181 of file ReadControlPars.f90.

◆ readseveralvaluessametypefromline()

subroutine writelinemod::readseveralvaluessametypefromline ( integer, intent(out) nvals,
character(len=:), intent(out), allocatable rest,
integer, intent(out) err,
integer, dimension(10), intent(out), optional vec_integer,
real, dimension(10), intent(out), optional vec_real,
character(len=30), dimension (10), intent(out), optional vec_char,
logical, dimension(10), intent(out), optional vec_logical )


reads in a vector of values of same type from a line in control pars file

  • OUT:
    • Parameters
      nwords: number of values read in
      err: error code from reading in
      rest: non relevant information, e.g. comment in the input line
  • CALLS support routines:
    • ExtractAndCountWords in FileHandlingModule
    • LogError in LoggerModule
  • CALLED from:

Definition at line 225 of file ReadControlPars.f90.

◆ readwriteseveralvaluessametypefromline()

subroutine writelinemod::readwriteseveralvaluessametypefromline ( integer, intent(out) nvals,
integer, intent(out) err,
integer, dimension(10), intent(out), optional vec_integer,
real, dimension(10), intent(out), optional vec_real,
character(len=30), dimension (10), intent(out), optional vec_char,
logical, dimension(10), intent(out), optional vec_logical )


reads in a vector of values of same type from a line in control pars file and stores it in the correct vector. Then write it out to the copy of the control pars file. by explicitly writing the arguments in the subroutine call, one of the vectors vec_Integer, vec_REAL, vec_char, vec_LOGICAL is made present

  • OUT:
    • Parameters
      nwords: number of values read in
      err: error code from reading in
      rest: non relevant information, e.g. comment in the input line
      vec_INTEGER,vec_REAL,vec_CHAR,vec_LOGICAL: vector to store the read in values
  • CALLS support routines:
  • CALLED from:

Definition at line 281 of file ReadControlPars.f90.

◆ rwchar()

subroutine writelinemod::rwchar ( character(len=:), intent(out), allocatable outchar)


reads in a character string from control pars file, also reads in rest of line, and writes out both

Definition at line 114 of file ReadControlPars.f90.

◆ rwinteger()

subroutine writelinemod::rwinteger ( integer, intent(out) outint)


reads in an integer value from control pars file, also reads in rest of line, and writes out both

Definition at line 44 of file ReadControlPars.f90.

◆ rwlogical()

subroutine writelinemod::rwlogical ( logical, intent(out) outlogical)

reads in a logical value from control pars file, also reads in rest of line, and writes out both

Definition at line 148 of file ReadControlPars.f90.

◆ rwreal()

subroutine writelinemod::rwreal ( real, intent(out) outreal)


reads in a real value from control pars file, also reads in rest of line, and writes out both

Definition at line 79 of file ReadControlPars.f90.