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ReadControlPars.f90 File Reference

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module  writelinemod


subroutine writelinemod::rwinteger (outint)

subroutine writelinemod::rwreal (outreal)

subroutine writelinemod::rwchar (outchar)

subroutine writelinemod::rwlogical (outlogical)
subroutine writelinemod::checkwriteerror (err)

subroutine writelinemod::checkreaderror (err)

subroutine writelinemod::readseveralvaluessametypefromline (nvals, rest, err, vec_integer, vec_real, vec_char, vec_logical)

subroutine writelinemod::readwriteseveralvaluessametypefromline (nvals, err, vec_integer, vec_real, vec_char, vec_logical)

subroutine writelinemod::assignreportintervals (nvals, repints)

subroutine readcontrolpars ()


Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ readcontrolpars()

subroutine readcontrolpars


Reads in the settings from the control pars file; most of them are then stored in All_par

  • USE: All_par, WriteLineMod, LoggerModule, FileListModule
  • IN:
    • from FileListModule
      • ControlPars_File
    • OUT:
      -via All_par
      • experimentID :character(len=:), allocatable: identifier for output of experiment
      • numyrs :INTEGER: number of years to be simulated
      • simustartyear :INTEGER: start year of simulation in real years
      • stateOutputDist :INTEGER: : interval of statefile outputs for backup
      • stateOutputYears :INTEGER, dimension (10): vector of years, when state should be written out
      • unitOfSpatialData :REAL: unit of bioclim and stockability data in meters
      • maxlat, maxlon :INTEGER: chosen number of rows, columns of simulation area; relative coordinates
      • startlatStart, startlatEnd, startlonStart, startlonEnd :INTEGER: position in relative coordinates of inoculation cells (rectangle)
      • latRealStart, latRealEnd, lonRealStart, lonRealEnd :REAL : coordinates of rectangle in REAL coordinates
      • cellSideLength :REAL : Side-lenght of grid cell [=..] !>DSP
      • pltsiz :REAL : Plot size [=patchSize]
      • inoculationTime :INTEGER: duration of initial simulation with seeds everywhere present
      • readStateFile :LOGICAL: flag whether statevector is read in
      • includeEnv :LOGICAL: include environmental info for calcs?
      • envFromFile :LOGICAL: read environmental info from file?
      • kernelType :INTEGER: 3 different options for shape of kernel: 0: radius, 1: single exponential, 2: double exponential
      • alpha_all :REAL: Alpha-value of kernel if kernel is the same for all species
      • epsKernel :REAL: threshold for cut-off of kernel
      • active :LOGICAL Active or passive seed dispersal (calculations)
      • doStochSeedDisp :LOGICAL: Stochastic or deterministic seed dispersal (calculations)
      • seedsDifferent, mathgtDifferent, dispersalDifferent :LOGICAL: seed production/ maturation height/ dispersal kernel of of all species different or equal
      • doFFT LOGICAL: calculate dispersal by FFT?
      • mastSeeding : LOGICAL: periodic seed production included?
      • calcSeedBank : LOGICAL: seed bank dynamics included?
      • withSeedAntagonists :LOGICAL: seed pathogenes, parasites or predators included?
      • seedAntaGraz, seedAntaEff,seedAntaMort :REAL: grazing rate/efficiency of grazing/mortality of seed antagonists
      • seedAntaRain :REAL: constant rain of seed antagonists
      • withSeedCarrCap :LOGICAL seed carrying gapacity included?
      • seedCarrCap :REAL carrying capacity for seeds
      • seedlcrowndiamInCm :REAL : diameter of average seedling crown (cm)
      • immigration :LOGICAL immigration included?
      • disturbances :LOGICAL disturbances included?
      • disturbProb :REAL disturbance probability (1/year) per cell
      • disturbIntensity :REAL disturbance intensity (0.0..1.0)
      • boundaries :character(len=:), allocatable : boundary conditions: 'c':cyclic, i.e torus, 'a':absorbing
      • specfilename : character(len=:), allocatable: name of file with species parameters
      • immifilename :character(len=:), allocatable: name of file with immigration sites and times
      • fcvarInit :REAL Fac.variability for light freq. initialisation [=facVariability]
      • fcvarDyn :REAL Fac.variability for light freq. initialisation [=facVariability]
      • estabEqHC0 :LOGICAL : light dependence of establishment used by gemination or life of seedlings?
      • contLightDepGerm :LOGICAL : light dependence of establishment continuous or step-function as in ForClim?
      • tabsepOutput :LOGICAL tabulator (T) or comma separated output?
      • writeOutput :TYPE(wrOutp) : structure of logicals for the different output variables, to be set true or false
      • driverDefault :REAL, dimension(nallowedDrivernames) : default values for the drivers, if no explicit values are read in. The defaults should be read in
  • CALLS support routines:
    • LogInfo, LogError in LoggerModule.f90
    • openFileR, openFileW, closeFile in FileHandlingModule.f90
    • extractWord, CheckReadError, CheckWriteError, RWChar, RWInteger, RWReal, RWLogical, ReadWriteSeveralValuesSameTypeFromLine, AssignReportIntervals in ReadControlPars.f90 -execute_command_line
  • CALLED from: ReadControlParsAndInitFiles in FileListModule.f90

Definition at line 449 of file ReadControlPars.f90.