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InitAndSetConstHeightClProps.f90 File Reference

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subroutine initandsetconstheightclprops (nspc)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ initandsetconstheightclprops()

subroutine initandsetconstheightclprops ( integer, intent(in) nspc)


  1. Determines the leaf areas corresponding to the light intensity in the light classes
  2. Initializes the state variables
  3. Calculates and stores cell specific, height-class related but constant properties:
    1. height, diameter, biomass, leaf area, seed production

  • USE: FileListModule, All_par
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      nspc: number of species
    • from ALL_par:
      • maxhc, maxlc : INTEGER:: : max. number of height classes (0-maxhc) and light classes (1-maxlc)
      • maxlat, maxlon :INTEGER:: number of rows/cols of simulation domain
      • htmax: INTEGER : max. height of all species
      • birht :REAL : height of trees when entering first height class
      • hcwidth: REAL : discrete height class width
      • tabsepOutput :LOGICAL: tabulator (T) or comma separated output?
      • pltsiz :REAL : Plot size [=patchSize]
      • toplt =1.0 :REAL, parameter: Light at the top of the canopy
      • spec(maxspc) :TYPE(SpecProperties) : species properties; here a.o. all species parameters are put to spec
  • OUT:
    • via All_par:
      • specCl(maxspc): TYPE(SpecPropertiesInCl) : species properties in light and height classes
      • stateGrid : TYPE(CurrStateInCell), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: current state in each cell (the entire grid)
      • seedrain : TYPE(NewSeedsInCell), dimension(:, :), allocatable:: arriving seeds in each cell (the entire grid)
      • LightAndLeafAreaPerLightClass, BiomPerTreeHCLOutFile, LAIPerTreeHClOutFile,
        SeedProdFractPerTreeHClOutFile, DBHPerTreeHClOutFile, HeightPerHClOutFile : TYPE(File) : output files
      • ltfrq(maxlc): REAL : Light frequency in light classes
      • ltcum(maxlc): REAL : Cumulative lightfreq. in light classes
      • ltval(maxlc): REAL : Light Values
      • la(maxlc): REAL : Leaf area belonging to light in light classes ltcl
  • CALLS:

Definition at line 42 of file InitAndSetConstHeightClProps.f90.