TreeMig Code
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
44 ! CALL modules for TYPE definitions and +- fixed variables>---------------------------------------------------------------
45 use all_par, only: tabsepoutput, &
55 ! Passed variables>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nspc ! Passed number of species [=spec]
58 ! Local variables>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 INTEGER :: latIni, lonIni, & ! tmp vars to initialize grid with trees
60 isp, & ! looping variable for species
61 ltcl,htcl ! looping variable for light and height classes
62 REAL :: &
63 truht, & ! tmp var to calculate heights [=trueHeight]
64 nexht, & ! tmp var to calculate heights [=nextHeight]
65 diamt, & ! tmp var to calculate diameters [in DetermineTree.. =diam]
66 nextdm, & ! tmp var to calculate diameters [=nextDiam]
67 bio , & ! tmp var to calculate biomass [=BioMassAtHeight(..)]
68 DBHFromHeight,& ! function to calculate diameter from height <- Allometries.f90
69 LAFromDBH,& ! function to calculate leaf area from diameter <- Allometries.f90 [
70 BiomassFromDBH ! function to calculate biomass from diameter <- Allometries.f90
71 character*1 :: tab
72 ! Here the SUBROUTINE starts>**********************************************************************
73 if (tabsepoutput) then
74 tab = char(9)
75 else
76 tab = ','
77 end if
79 !----- initialize the light frequencies. First no trees, i.e. full light, highest lightclass frequency 1
81 ltfrq = 0.0
82 ltfrq(maxlc) = 1.0
83 ltcum = 1.0
86 !----- The light values and the LAI values belonging to them in the light classes are calculated
87 byltcls1: do ltcl = 1, maxlc
88 ltval(ltcl) = real(ltcl*(ltcl + 1))/real(maxlc*(maxlc + 1))
89 la(ltcl) = - log( max( ltval(ltcl)/toplt, 0.0000001 ) )/.25 ! inverse Beer-Lambert with extinction factor 0.25
90 end do byltcls1
92 byspcs1: do isp = 1, nspc ! species loop
94 !----- <Initialize the tree species in grid cells and height classes array [=DetermineTreeSizeVariables]>
95 latloop1: do latini = 1, maxlat ! spatial loops
96 lonloop1: do lonini = 1, maxlon ! spatial loops
97 !----- Here the state variable values for all height classes are initialized to zero
98 byhtcls11: do htcl = 0, maxhc
99 stategrid(latini, lonini)%sp(isp)%numin(htcl) = 0.0
100 end do byhtcls11
101 !----- Here the state variable values for the antagonists, the seedbank and the seedrain are initialized to zero
102 stategrid(latini, lonini)%sp(isp)%antagonist = 10.0
103 stategrid(latini, lonini)%sp(isp)%seedBank = 0.0
104 seedrain(latini, lonini)%sp(isp)%newSeeds = 0.0
105 end do lonloop1
106 end do latloop1
108 !----- Here height class dependent but constant values are calculated: biomass, diameter, LA, height
109 nexht = birht
110 nextdm = dbhfromheight(birht, birht, spec(isp)%khmax,spec(isp)%maxdhm)
111 byhtcls1: do htcl = 1, spec(isp)%maxhtc !---- from bottom to top
112 truht = nexht
113 nexht = min((real(htcl)*hcwidth) + birht, real(spec(isp)%khmax)) ! height belonging to height class
114 speccl(isp)%htmin(htcl) = truht ! store height
115 diamt = nextdm
116 nextdm= dbhfromheight(nexht, birht, spec(isp)%khmax,spec(isp)%maxdhm) ! get diameter
117 speccl(isp)%diain(htcl) = diamt ! store diameter
118 speccl(isp)%lain(htcl) = lafromdbh(diamt, spec(isp)%tb,spec(isp)%stn)
119 if (nextdm > diamt) then
120 bio = biomassfromdbh(diamt, spec(isp)%tb, spec(isp)%stn )
121 speccl(isp)%bioin(htcl) = bio * 10 / pltsiz
122 !NZ: use factor 10000 instead of 10 if biomass is stem volume
123 ! factor 10 transforms kg/m2 to t/ha, if you use biomass (normal version)
124 ! factor 10000 transforms into dm3 per ha (NOT m3!!) if stem volume is used instead of biomass
125 ! (see SUBROUTINEs BiomassFromDBH, and Report)
127 else ! if at top, then the mean between this biomass and the one at the next height (=diameter) class is taken
128 bio = biomassfromdbh(diamt, spec(isp)%tb, spec(isp)%stn)
129 speccl(isp)%bioin(htcl) = bio*10/pltsiz
130 bio = biomassfromdbh(nextdm, spec(isp)%tb, spec(isp)%stn)
131 speccl(isp)%bioin(htcl) = (speccl(isp)%bioin(htcl) + (bio*10/pltsiz))/2.0
132 end if
133 end do byhtcls1
135 !----- Here the values for the lowest height class (seedlings up to 1.37 m) are set...
136 speccl(isp)%htmin(0) = 0.0
137 speccl(isp)%diain(0) = 0.0
138 speccl(isp)%lain(0) = speccl(isp)%lain(1) /10.0 ! rough guess
139 speccl(isp)%bioin(0) = speccl(isp)%bioin(1)/10.0 ! rough guess
140 !----- ...and the states initialized
141 latloop2: do latini = 1, maxlat
142 lonloop2: do lonini = 1, maxlon
143 stategrid(latini, lonini)%sp(isp)%numin(0) = 0.0
144 end do lonloop2
145 end do latloop2
147 !----- Here the seed production is determined proportional to LA
148 byhtcls3: do htcl = 0, spec(isp)%maxhtc
149 if (speccl(isp)%htmin(htcl) >= spec(isp)%minmat) then
150 speccl(isp)%seedprod(htcl) = speccl(isp)%lain(htcl) / &
151 speccl(isp)%lain(spec(isp)%maxhtc)
152 else
153 speccl(isp)%seedprod(htcl) = 0
154 end if
155 end do byhtcls3
157 !----- Here the values for all height classes higher than the max. one are set
158 if (spec(isp)%maxhtc < maxhc) then
159 resthtcls2: do htcl = spec(isp)%maxhtc + 1, maxhc
160 speccl(isp)%htmin(htcl) = real(spec(isp)%khmax) + 1.0
161 speccl(isp)%diain(htcl) = spec(isp)%maxdhm
162 speccl(isp)%lain(htcl) = 0.0
163 speccl(isp)%bioin(htcl) = 0.0
164 speccl(isp)%seedprod(htcl) = 0
166 latloop3: do latini = 1, maxlat
167 lonloop3: do lonini = 1, maxlon
168 stategrid(latini, lonini)%sp(isp)%numin(htcl) = 0.0
169 end do lonloop3
170 end do latloop3
171 end do resthtcls2
173 speccl(isp)%htmin(spec(isp)%maxhtc + 1) = spec(isp)%khmax
174 speccl(isp)%htmin(maxhc) = htmax
175 end if
177 end do byspcs1
179 !----- Write out height and species dependent fixed transformation factors to files
180 byhtcls4: do htcl = 0, maxhc
181 write (biompertreehcloutfile%unit, 101) 0, tab, 0, tab, 0, tab,&
182 (speccl(isp)%bioin(htcl), tab, isp=1, nspc) , 0.
183 write (laipertreehcloutfile%unit, 101) 0, tab, 0, tab, 0, tab,&
184 (speccl(isp)%lain(htcl), tab, isp=1, nspc) , 0.
185 write (dbhpertreehcloutfile%unit, 101) 0, tab, 0, tab, 0, tab,&
186 (speccl(isp)%diain(htcl), tab, isp=1, nspc) , 0.
187 write (seedprodfractpertreehcloutfile%unit, 101) 0, tab, 0, tab, 0, tab,&
188 (speccl(isp)%seedprod(htcl), tab, isp=1, nspc) , 0.
189 write (heightperhcloutfile%unit, 101) 0, tab, 0, tab, 0, tab,&
190 (speccl(isp)%htmin(htcl), tab, isp=1, nspc) , 0.
191 end do byhtcls4
192 !----- Write out light class dependent relativ light intensities and LAI's leading to these
193 write (lightandleafareaperlightclass%unit,102) 0,tab, 0,tab,0,tab,0, tab, ( ltval(ltcl),tab, ltcl=1,maxlc)
194 write (lightandleafareaperlightclass%unit,102) 0,tab, 0,tab,0,tab,0, tab, ( la(ltcl),tab, ltcl=1,maxlc)
198 101 FORMAT(3(i1, a1), 60(e13.7, a1))
199 102 FORMAT(4(i1, a1), 20(e11.5, a1))
204end SUBROUTINE initandsetconstheightclprops
subroutine initandsetconstheightclprops(nspc)
real pltsiz
Definition All_par.f90:125
integer, parameter maxhc
Definition All_par.f90:99
real, dimension(maxlc) ltval
Definition All_par.f90:370
real hcwidth
Definition All_par.f90:357
type(specpropertiesincl), dimension(maxspc) speccl
Definition All_par.f90:346
type(specproperties), dimension(maxspc) spec
Definition All_par.f90:345
type(currstateincell), dimension(:, :), allocatable stategrid
Definition All_par.f90:340
real, parameter toplt
Definition All_par.f90:121
integer, parameter maxlc
Definition All_par.f90:100
real, dimension(5) a1
Definition All_par.f90:130
real, dimension(maxlc) la
Definition All_par.f90:130
integer real
Definition All_par.f90:27
integer maxlon
Definition All_par.f90:46
real, parameter birht
Definition All_par.f90:120
real, dimension(maxlc) ltfrq
Definition All_par.f90:367
real, dimension(maxlc) ltcum
Definition All_par.f90:368
type(newseedsincell), dimension(:, :), allocatable seedrain
Definition All_par.f90:342
logical tabsepoutput
Definition All_par.f90:89
integer htmax
Definition All_par.f90:358
integer, parameter max
Definition All_par.f90:98
integer maxlat
Definition All_par.f90:45
type(file) heightperhcloutfile
type(file) seedprodfractpertreehcloutfile
type(file) lightandleafareaperlightclass
type(file) biompertreehcloutfile
type(file) laipertreehcloutfile
type(file) dbhpertreehcloutfile