TreeMig Code
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TimeLoop.f90 File Reference

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subroutine timeloop (yearstart, yearend, latstart, latend, lonstart, lonend, currlatstart, currlatend, currlonstart, currlonend, facvar, nspc, dodispersal, ncallspatsimu, doparallel, dofft)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ timeloop()

subroutine timeloop ( integer, intent(in) yearstart,
integer, intent(in) yearend,
integer, intent(in) latstart,
integer, intent(in) latend,
integer, intent(in) lonstart,
integer, intent(in) lonend,
integer, intent(in) currlatstart,
integer, intent(in) currlatend,
integer, intent(in) currlonstart,
integer, intent(in) currlonend,
real, intent(in) facvar,
integer, intent(in) nspc,
logical, intent(in) dodispersal,
integer, intent(in) ncallspatsimu,
logical, intent(in) doparallel,
logical, intent(in) dofft )


Loops over the simulation time. Within each time step it

  1. Reads the new bioclimate for this time
  2. Evaluates the forest dynamics in the entire grid
  3. Writes out the current state, if wished
  • USE: All_par, LoggerModule
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      nspc: number of species
      yearStart,yearEnd: start and end of simulated period (relative years)
      latStart,latEnd,lonStart,lonEnd,&: start and end of total simulated area
      currLatStart,currLatEnd,currLonStart,currLonEnd,part of total simulation area currently simulated, e.g. for spin-up. Is not subarea of parallelisation!>
      ncallSpatSimu: which call of TimeLoop: 1st (inoculation) or 2nd (migration simulation)
      doDispersal,doFFT,doParallel: flags: simulate dispersal, dispersal by fast fourier transform, parallel simulation (currently not implemented) ?
    • FROM All_par
      • numyrs :INTEGER : number of years to be simulated
      • simustartyear :INTEGER : start year of simulation in real years
      • stateOutputDist :INTEGER : interval of statefile outputs for backup
      • stateOutputYears :INTEGER, dimension (10): vector of years, when state should be written out
    • FROM LoggerModule:
      • LogMessage: character(len=1024) :
  • CALLS:
  • CALLS support routines:

Definition at line 35 of file TimeLoop.f90.