TreeMig Code
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StartTreeMig.f90 File Reference

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program starttreemig

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ starttreemig()

program starttreemig


Main program,

  1. sets the flags and settings for the parallel computing, if these are activated. (currently not active).
  2. details Calls TreeMig.
  • IN:
    • the compiler flags, passed as arguments during calling StartTreeMig*
      • PARALLEL: parallel processing?
      • WITHMPI: whether using MPI? (currently not possible)
    • Parameters
      doParallelwhether parallel execution or not, currently always FALSE !
  • OUT:
    • via TMMPITypes:
      • numprocs: number of processors ("slaves") for parallel computing, currently always 0
      • master: the processor number for the master, all others are slaves
  • CALLS:
    • TreeMig in TreeMig.f90
    • DoParallelComputing in CurrentlyNotNeeded/MPIfiles/MPIParallelComputingStuff.f90
    • InitializeMPIStuff in CurrentlyNotNeeded/MPIfiles/MPIParallelComputingStuff.f90
    • PrintPerformanceSequentialRun in CurrentlyNotNeeded/MPIfiles/MPIParallelComputingStuff.f90

Definition at line 25 of file StartTreeMig.f90.