TreeMig Code
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GetSpc.f90 File Reference

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subroutine getspc (nspc, dofft)


Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ getspc()

subroutine getspc ( integer, intent(out) nspc,
logical, intent(in) dofft )


Reads in the species parameters and calculates from them species chararacteristics, which are stored in spec

  • USE: FileListModule, LoggerModule, All_par
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      doFFT:flag whether dispersal is done by FFT or not
    • from ALL_par:
      • maxhc, maxlc :INTEGER:: max. number of height classes (0-maxhc) and light classes (1-maxlc)
      • birht :REAL :: height of trees when entering first height class
      • alpha_all :REAL :: describes decrease of seed dispersal kernel, if all kernels should be the same
      • readDispersalKernel :LOGICAL read in a previously stored dispersal kernel?
      • seedsDifferent :LOGICAL:: seed production of all species different or equal
      • mathgtDifferent :LOGICAL:: maturation height of all species different or equal
      • dispersalDifferent :LOGICAL:: do dispersal distances differ between species?
      • tabsepOutput :LOGICAL:: tabulator (T) or comma separated output?
  • OUT:
    • Parameters
      nspc:number of species
    • via All_par:
      • a1, a2, c1, c2, kn1, kn2 :REAL :allometric coefficients for deriving leaf area and biomass
      • spec(maxspc):TYPE(SpecProperties) : species properties; here a.o. all species parameters are put to spec
      • specCl(maxspc):TYPE(SpecPropertiesInCl) : species properties in light and height classes
      • htmax: INTEGER : max. height of all species
      • hcwidth :REAL:: discrete height class width [=dh]
      • kernelType :INTEGER:: 3 different options for shape of kernel: 0: radius, 1: single exponential, 2: double exponential
  • CALLS:
  • CALLS support routines:

Definition at line 37 of file GetSpc.f90.