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StoringBackAndForth.f90 File Reference

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subroutine storecellstatetothiscell (lat, lon, nsp, ddegs, wtemp, drstr, avnit, brwpr, disturb, germdrought, thiscell)
subroutine storethiscellspecstatestocell (lat, lon, nspc, thiscell)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ storecellstatetothiscell()

subroutine storecellstatetothiscell ( integer, intent(in) lat,
integer, intent(in) lon,
integer, intent(in) nsp,
real, intent(in) ddegs,
real, intent(in) wtemp,
real, intent(in) drstr,
real, intent(in) avnit,
real, intent(in) brwpr,
real, intent(in) disturb,
real, intent(in) germdrought,
type(currstateincell), intent(out) thiscell )


Stores the current state and environment of the cell to the structure thiscell

  • USE: All_par
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      lat,lon: coordinates
      nsp: number of species
      ddegsdegree day sum
      wtempminimum winter temperature
      drstrdrought stress
      avnitavailable nutrients (nitrogen)
      brwprbrowsing pressure
      disturbcurrent disturbance
      germDroughtdrought stress for germination
    • FROM All_par
      • stateGrid : TYPE(CurrStateInCell), dimension(:, :), allocatable : current state in each cell (the entire grid)
      • seedrain : TYPE(NewSeedsInCell), dimension(:, :), allocatable:: : seedrain on grid, newseeds and verynewseeds
      • CurrStateInCell : TYPE : Type of structure for current state in cell
  • OUT:
    • Parameters
      thiscell: explanation

Definition at line 45 of file StoringBackAndForth.f90.

◆ storethiscellspecstatestocell()

subroutine storethiscellspecstatestocell ( integer lat,
integer lon,
integer nspc,
type(currstateincell) thiscell )


Stores the new state and environment of thiscell to the stateGrid

  • USE: All_par
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      lat,lon: coordinates
      nsp: number of species
      thiscell: explanation
    • FROM All_par
      • CurrStateInCell : TYPE : Type of structure for current state in cell
  • OUT:
    • Parameters
      thiscell: explanation
    • via All_par
      • stateGrid : TYPE(CurrStateInCell), dimension(:, :), allocatable : current state in each cell (the entire grid)
      • seedrain : TYPE(NewSeedsInCell), dimension(:, :), allocatable:: : seedrain on grid, newseeds and verynewseeds

Definition at line 94 of file StoringBackAndForth.f90.