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Report.f90 File Reference

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subroutine report (nspc, year, lat, lon)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ report()

subroutine report ( integer, intent(in) nspc,
integer, intent(in) year,
integer, intent(in) lat,
integer, intent(in) lon )


prepares and does output for one cell and year

  1. aggregates some variables over height classes and also species
  2. calculates some derived variables, e.g. NPP
  3. stores results in netcdf variables if netcdf output is whished. The actual netcdf output happens in ReportNETCDF
  4. writes results out to text files if text output is whished.

USE: All_par, FileListModule

  • IN:
    • Parameters
      :nspcnumber of species
      :yearcurrent simulation year (relative)
      :lat,loncurrent cell
    • FROM All_par
      • stateGrid : TYPE(CurrStateInCell),dimension(:, :), allocatable: current state in each cell (the entire grid)
      • seedrain : TYPE(NewSeedsInCell), dimension(:, :), allocatable: arriving seeds of one species in each cell (the entire grid)
      • spec(maxspc) : TYPE(SpecProperties) : species properties
      • specCl(maxspc) : TYPE(SpecPropertiesInCl) : species properties in light and height classes
      • tabsepOutput : LOGICAL : tabulator (T) or comma separated output?
      • pltsiz : REAL : Plot size [=patchSize]
      • writeOutput : TYPE(wrOutp) : defining which variables are outputted, to be set true or false
      • stockability : REAL, dimension(:, :), allocatable: stockability mask
      • reportIntervals : INTEGER, dimension (10, 3): report intervals (col 1), their start (col2) and end (col3) (years)
      • simustartyear: INTEGER : start year of simulation in real years
      • latRealStart, lonRealStart : REAL : real coordinates of simulation domain's lower left corner
      • cellSideLength : REAL : Side-length of grid cell
      • unitOfSpatialData : REAL :unit of bioclim and stockability locations data in meters
      • pi : REAL: pi constant
      • maxhc : INTEGER : max. number of height classes
      • maxlc : INTEGER : max. number of light classes
      • ltprf(0:maxhc, maxlc): REAL: Light Frequency Profile
      • BiodivOutFile, BiomassOutfile, NumberOutfile, SeedOutfile, NPPOutfile, Basal_AreaOutfile,
      • AntagonistOutfile, PollenOutfile, LAIOutfile, LightOutfile, HeightStructOutfile: type(file): outputfiles
  • OUT:
    • via FileListModule
      • BioDiv_NC, Biomass_NC, Number_NC, Seed_NC, NPP_NC, Basal_Area_NC, Antagonist_NC,
        Pollen_NC, LAI_NC, Light_NC, HeightStruct_NC : type(ncvar): netcdf variables
    • LocalDynOneTImeStep in SpatialDynOneTImeStep.f90

Definition at line 58 of file Report.f90.