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ReportNETCDF.f90 File Reference

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subroutine reportnetcdf (year, nspc)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ reportnetcdf()

subroutine reportnetcdf ( integer, intent(in) year,
integer, intent(in) nspc )


Writes output data of one year to the netcdf output file.
The values have been stored before to the _NC variables (e.g. Biomass_NC) in Report, which has been called for each cell in the same time step before

  • USE: All_par, FileListModule, netcdf
  • IN:
    • Parameters
      year: current year (relative years)
    • FROM All_par:
      • maxlat, maxlon: INTEGER : chosen number of rows, columns of simulation area; relative coordinates
      • simustartyear: INTEGER : start year of simulation in real time
      • maxhc: INTEGER : MAX # of height classes [=nhmax]
      • maxlc: INTEGER :MAX # of light classes [=nLightClasses]
      • writeOutput: TYPE(wrOutp) : structure of logicals for the different output variables, to be set true or false
      • reportIntervals: INTEGER, dimension (10, 3): report intervals (col 1) for output, their start (col 2) and end (col 3) (years)
    • FROM FileListModule:
      • BioDiv_NC, Biomass_NC, Number_NC,Seed_NC, Ingrowth_NC,NPP_NC,BasalArea_NC,Antagonist_NC, Pollen_NC,LAI_NC,Light_NC, HeightStruct_NC(16) :TYPE(NCVar) : Netcdf variables for variables to be outputted
      • NC_FILE_ID: INTEGER : identification number for netcdf file
  • å***CALLS support routines:****
  • **CALLED FROM:*** -SpatialDynOneTimeStep in SpatialDynOneTimeStep.f90

Definition at line 28 of file ReportNETCDF.f90.