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GFT_jmfft.f90 File Reference

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module  gft_jmfft


subroutine gft_jmfft::jmtable (table, ntable, itable, n)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmfact (n, fact, nfact, ideb, ifin)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmdecoup (n, nr, nwork, debut, mpair, n_temp, ideb, ifin, nwork_temp, fin)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmdecoup3 (n, m, nmr, nwork, debut, lpair, ideb, ifin, jdeb, jfin, nmtemp, nwork_temp, fini)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmccm1d (m, n, fact, nfact, ifact, table, ntable, itable, work, nwork, ioff)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmccm1d2 (p, n, m, table, ntable, itable, ntable2, mtable, work, nwork, ioff)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmccm1d3 (p, n, m, table, ntable, itable, ntable2, mtable, work, nwork, ioff)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmccm1d4 (p, n, m, table, ntable, itable, ntable2, mtable, work, nwork, ioff)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmccm1d5 (p, n, m, table, ntable, itable, ntable2, mtable, work, nwork, ioff)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmccm1dp (p, q, m, table, ntable, itable, ntable2, mtable, work, nwork, ioff)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmcsm1d (m, n, fact, nfact, ifact, table, ntable, itable, work, nwork, ioff)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmcsm1dxy (m, n, fact, nfact, ifact, table, ntable, itable, work, nwork, x, dimx, debx, incx, jumpx, y, dimy, deby, incy, jumpy, isign, scale)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmscm1d (m, n, fact, nfact, ifact, table, ntable, itable, work, nwork, ioff)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmscm1dxy (m, n, fact, nfact, ifact, table, ntable, itable, work, nwork, x, dimx, debx, incx, jumpx, y, dimy, deby, incy, jumpy, isign, scale)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmtransp (n, m, l, work, nwork, ioff)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmcctranspcs (m, n, n2, n3, table, ntable, itable, work, nwork, ioff)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmsetnwork (nwork)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmgetnwork (nwork, nwork_def, nwork_min)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmgetsetnwork (nwork, type)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmgeterreur (arret)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmerreur1 (nomsp, code, var1)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmerreur2 (nomsp, code, var1, var2)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmerreur3 (nomsp, code, var1, var2, var3)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmerreur4 (nomsp, code, var1, var2, var3, var4)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmgetstop (arret)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmgetsetstop (arret, type)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmgetmessage (code, message)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmsetcode (code)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmgetsetcode (code, type)
subroutine gft_jmfft::jmgetseterreur (arret, type)